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Study Abroad

In order to authorize an F-1 international student for an approved WFU Study Abroad program or an approved affiliated study abroad program in SEVIS, ISS must be notified by the WFU Study Abroad Office that the student has been approved for a Study Abroad program and has committed to attending.

In addition, if the student plans to participate in a second consecutive semester of a study abroad program (i.e. Fall and Spring) and does not plan to return to the U.S. in between the two study abroad programs and will be outside of the U.S. for more than 5 months, the student must meet with an ISS staff member at the end of the first term to check in and receive advice on continuing to maintain their visa status. 

A student may not participate in more than two consecutive academic semesters of study abroad.  If a student plans to participate in a third consecutive semester of study abroad, the student’s U.S. immigration status will be terminated until the student is able to return to the United States to resume their academic program on the Wake Forest campus. 

Check with the Study Abroad office for confirming access to appropriate academic resources, full-time enrollment, student safety/well-being, etc. during the student’s time abroad.

Research Abroad

In order to authorize an F-1 international student for Research Abroad in SEVIS the student must request approval from ISS at least one month before the start of the semester. To be considered for Research Abroad students must  provide a letter from the PI/Program Director/Academic Advisor with the following information:

Students are eligible for approval for no more than one academic year or two semesters. Approval is processed one semester at a time. Students must understand that spending a significant amount of time outside the U.S. could cause a negative action toward their current or future immigration status. Therefore, students should not intend to spend more than one or two semesters on research abroad. To maintain an active SEVIS record (I-20), students must be enrolled in full-time Wake Forest credits while they are outside of the United States conducting research.